In developing the Ruisseau de Feu Conservation Park, Projet Paysage prioritized the protection of its incredible biodiversity, letting this concern guide every detail of its design. Now the people of Terrebonne can enjoy this incredible ornithological site for years to come.
Nestled in a major migration area, Ruisseau de Feu is home to no fewer than 200 bird species. Its wetlands also harbour crucial spawning grounds for some 20 species of fish. Projet Paysage’s task was twofold: to grant improved access to this natural trove, showcasing its best vistas for birding and contemplation, and above all, to conserve its animal and plant life. A 500-metre footbridge, installed on stilts, protects the flora and fauna from pedestrian traffic. Through trails, rest areas, an observation tower, and interpretative panels, the park encourages visitors to explore its myriad treasures, beckoning birdwatchers, photographers, and anyone who simply enjoys soaking up nature’s beauty. Linked to adjacent residential neighbourhoods via a bicycle path, it provides a perfect meeting place for the community. Protecting fragile environments while drawing in sightseers presents inherent challenges. To meet them, Projet Paysage collaborated with expert organizations, including Ducks Unlimited Canada and the Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs. The result: a sanctuary where human activity dovetails beautifully with the ecosystem.
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