Street furniture and contemplation spot by the water

Inaugurated as part of Montréal’s 375th anniversary celebrations, Parc Marie-Claire-Kirkland-Casgrain was created as a gathering space that honours Québec heritage while fostering sustainability.

Located at the convergence of the St. Lawrence River and the Canal de l’Aqueduc, the park showcases the riverbank and offers long-term access to the shoreline. Interpretive panels underline the historic significance of this site for the city’s drinking water supply. Today, it serves as a welcoming relaxation spot on the walkway that runs along the river. Multiuse grounds offer a great spot for a range of activities, from family picnics to large lively gatherings and outdoor shows. Green rest areas are scattered throughout the site, decked out with sun loungers and custom-made wood furniture, while the magnificent waterfront panorama provides a year-round draw. Designed around the citizen experience, the park pays lovely tribute to its namesake, the first woman elected to the Québec National Assembly.


Arrondissement LaSalle


Schematic design
Detailed design
Construction management


Montréal, LaSalle


Blondin Fortin & Associés

Photo credits

Vincent Brillant
Riverside walkway along the St. Lawrence River
Sun loungers by the St. Lawrence River
Promenade at parc Marie-Claire-Kirkland-Casgrain
Interpretive panels at Promenade de l'Aqueduc
Street furniture at Parc Marie-Claire-Kirkland-Casgrain
Details and finishes of the street furniture
Picnic area by the water